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Hit and Run Accidents
in Abilene, Texas

Hit and Run is a Serious Offense

Hit-and-run accidents in Abilene, Texas are a serious offense. They come down to questions of responsibility, which is sometimes murky in the eyes of drivers when they are engaging with pedestrians and other drivers on the road. This pattern of behavior is extremely serious resulting in severe consequences.

 What Qualifies as a Hit-and-Run Accident in Texas Law?

In Texas, a hit-and-run accident has occurred when a person is accused of not stopping after a car crash involving death, injury, or property damage. It is also known as leaving the scene of an accident. This can range from hitting another vehicle's side mirror in a parking lot or rear-ending them on route 36.

 What Are the Penalties for Hit-and-Run Accidents in Texas?

Penalties for these accidents in Texas can range from a misdemeanor to a felony, depending on the degree of damage and/or injury. It is likely that a person will also receive a suspended or revoked license if they are charged with a hit-and-run. A misdemeanor charge can result in fines of up to $5,000 and a year of incarceration. Felony charges can result in fines of up to $20,000 and years in prison.

 What Should You Do After a Hit-and-Run Accident in Abilene?

For somebody who thinks that they've committed a hit-and-run accident in Abilene or anywhere in Texas, coming forward negates the risk of waiting to be found out. There are lots of ways for the authorities to track down these drivers. For a victim of such an accident, calling 911 or local police is the appropriate first step. A car accident attorney will always help a victim to recover any losses suffered during the course of the hit and run.

Who Can Be Charged with Hit-and-Run Accidents in Texas?

Anybody can be charged with a hit-and-run, from Albany to Abilene, as long as law enforcement can match one's actions with the statutes. Sometimes, there can be confusion in a person's mind about whether the nature of their actions has reached a criminal level. Law enforcement operates with much more clarity. If they believe that a hit-and-run accident has occurred, they will likely level charges.